Grab Bars

Stairlift, vertical platform lift, and home elevator installation and repair services in Wichita, KS., and surrounding areas.

Home Accessibility Solutions®

Home modifications can help seniors maintain their independence and continue living in their own home.

Grab bars are the most common, and arguably the most effective, senior home safety modification. The most common and arguably the most effective home modification is the grab bar. Although an important starting point to making your home safer and more accessible, it is by no means the end. Grab bars are most effective at maintaining independence when combined with other helpful bathroom modifications.

To be safe and effective, the grab bars must be properly selected, properly positioned and properly installed. We use only code compliant, attractive and non-rusting stainless steel grab bars in a variety of finishes and lengths to meet the need and décor.

Our technicians are thoroughly trained in the proper placement of the grab bars for maximum benefit and minimum aesthetic impact. Finally we use proprietary techniques and best of class fasteners to ensure a sturdy installation regardless of the wall construction – even in Fiberglas shower enclosures. Don’t risk the safety of your loved one (or the beauty of your home) to anyone less than a true grab bar expert.

Home modifications, also known as home adaptations can help seniors stay safe and healthy by making their homes more accessible and accommodating to their changing needs.